French language

Scientific and technical direction
Classroom: 441А
Teaching method: group
Cost: 8 000 ₸/month

Voluntariness of participation in the circle, informality of communication, variety of activities make the circle an attractive and useful extracurricular form. In the work of the circle the French language serves as a means of obtaining new interesting information, a means of communication.  The effectiveness and efficiency of the circle also depends on the entertainment and novelty of the content, forms and methods of work, the aesthetics of all activities, the combination of children's initiative and the guiding role of the teacher

Circle taught by:
Kasymova Aiman Zhakupovna

Kasymova Aiman Zhakupovna

Additional education teacher, French language teacher, head of the circle "Le français - c'est intéressant!".
Qualification: first-category teacher
Work experience: 23