Fashion design

Artistic and aesthetic
Classroom: 427
Teaching method: group
Cost: 8 000 ₸/month

The club is for children who want to try themselves in the profession of a designer, fashion designer or stylist and start creating clothes. At the classes of the circle you can
- learn to create clothes independently, starting from a sketch and up to sewing the finished product
- learn how to stylishly combine things in an image
- learn to create fashion accessories.                                         
Fashion drawing classes
- learn how to draw the first sketches, learn how to draw the human figure, depict different materials and textures, colors of fabrics, details of clothes, as well as accessories,
- create a finished sketch of a garment

Circle taught by:
Tapenova Magira Makhmetovna

Tapenova Magira Makhmetovna

Teacher of additional education, head of the "Basics of Modeling" circle
Qualification: first-category teacher
Work experience: 32